Here’s a little about
myself if you don’t mind reading. In a short briefing about myself I’d tell you that I’m not what people
make me out to be and then I am. This isn’t a short briefing, and time is very precious. I’m most things; an asshole,
a jerk, a friend, an acquaintance, a dreamer, a protagonist, a smart-ass. But, one thing I always am is nobody. One of the
people in other people’s lives no one really cares about, or thinks about, or cares what happens to. A bystander, a
minor character, a bump in the road; Yes, I’m still a human being, but what am I to anyone else? The problem with me
is I’m not really that important to anyone. Never have been, probably never will. There’ve been times when I thought
I was, but no, I wasn’t. There is always someone else one step ahead of me in line, always number two or less. By now
you must think, ‘God, what a self-centered piece of shit’, you might be right, but stop and think about when ever
you wanted to be someone’s main priority. Times when you wish someone’s day revolved all around you, when they
woke up they had you on their mind. ‘I wonder what so-and-so will think of this’, ‘I wonder what so-an-so
is doing’. You know how wonderful that is. To be cared about to be longed for, to be loved by someone. And in other
times leading back to what I mentioned about not being cared about, that fact always comes in. Love is always a secret and
it’s not always seen the same way by others as you see it. So you end up getting hurt. It hurts to be hurt. You end
up building your whole life, your whole future, all your dreams around it, but it’s all fake. So…life becomes
fake and fake isn’t real and real is reality. At times you’re so close you can taste achievement and then nothing
works out the way you never thought it would. You face facts. Alone.
I’m still young and I’ve got a long way to go before I die. This far into my life though I only know two
things: One, everyone I say I love, I mean it. I’m not the kind of person that lies to someone I really give a damn
about in this hellish time we have on Earth. Two, I’m not happy with how life’s going. No, I’m pretty serious.
I’m really worried about my future. I ask questions everyday like ‘Will I be happy?’, ‘Will I be happy
with someone?’ ‘When I die will I be happy?’ ‘Will other people be happy?’ I know the answer
to ‘Am I afraid to die?’ yes, I am. Reason being, reason being the same reason everyone else’s reason is.
What happens? The constant worry that strikes me, is there just nothing? We all go sometime, and if dying is eternal nothingness
I want my time here to be worth dying for. But, it isn’t. That’s why I worry, eternal sorrow to go along with
nothingness. I want to go through life knowing that I made someone happy, that I loved someone,
that someone loved me, that someone misses me, that I’m not forgotten, because there are no second chances.
I get hurt by everyone.
Another thing showing that no one cares about me, because it’s the ones you love who hurt the most. I could give less
than a damn about all the people in the world what they thought about me. As long as the one’s I truly care about see
me through. A man doesn’t need the world. They hurt me by what they do. Little things, just little things you can think
of things. The little things always turn into bigger things which are ridiculous and everyone knows it, but they never listen
to reason knowing that making big deals out of things is ridiculous. Hypocrite you say? You’re right.
All I’ll put now
to sum everything up is: Life hurts, people hurt, and to be forgotten is worse than death. Life full of bickerers and bitchers
and everyone does it. It’s a sad thing to admit to. I’m not depressed, or troubled. I just have a very bleak outlook
about life, because nothing special ever happens, there’s no such thing as miracles or love, it’s all shit. We
live, most unhappy, and we die. Then we don’t know.
Oh, me, but will you
of ever happened to come across yourself, wanting something back? Keeping something forever? That's been happening to me for
a while now. I want something back a memory. Actually, a moment in life back. Why? Because, every human being has a right
to want something beyond the possible. I want to re-live a time in my life where everything seemed so...correct. It was absolutely
correct. It felt that way. Nowadays it's just thought about, and when brought up, I and others refuse it, abuse it, deny it,
critize it, and then some, wish to not remember. What's so wrong with a good memory? What's so wrong with remembering when
you were happy? It's better than not being happy now, at least you have a memory to grasp. Oh, God, memories. I don't know
what i'm saying I don't think. I live off memories boys and girls. Like an old man lives off pills and IV cables pulsating
life through his dead withered veins. I want that memory back, I want it back, I want it back, I want it BACK. But why, what
is the complication about? I've given up all other hope in hope to regain this one memory. I come so close to it, so close
I can lick it, I can touch it, I can remember it. I've given up a lot of things, lost many other things. But, please, please,
if I can't have it back, please, just let me keep this one brief thought. Let me have it back.
The Old Man said to the boy,
"Dear Young Man, dear Young Fable,
Come close so I can tell you the things
that I have never known."
"The things that you will learn and become
that of which i am unable."
"Boy, I have forgotten more than you'll
ever know."
"And know plenty you shall fill in your crown."
"And forever I am thinkful for my life if only I were to recall."
"For a life is once only lived, and one
life is ever kept."
"In ones hand and in ones head, the
memories of youth are the memories
you'll soon sew."
The Old Man wrinkled up and blew
away in the wind. Was this a wise
old man, or was this the boys father?
Time came the Young Man grew
very old. And a thought of an old man
flashed through his head as he looked
in the mirror. The Young Man
recognized the Old Man in his image.
The Young Man was now the Old Man,
having forgotten all he ever knew. -Me
Step right up
See time fly
Who will be the next to fry?
When we all begin to die. -Me
I'm back again...to say, 'hi'. I just read over my
first entry to this page of thoughts. I still agree. But, I just wanted to add more to about my point of being thought of.
Love is so grand when you have it and once you loose love, it seems like your time with it was so short. How can someone that
loved you as much as you did them, up one day out of bed and quit thinking, 'God, I can't wait to see him/her.' or, 'I
wonder what he's/she's doing.' No mercy, or pity, for the other one. They hate you all of a sudden. Your forgotten. Tossed
aside. And all you can think about is them? What the hell is the matter with you? Get over it? What? No? Yes, i'm pathetic.
(To be continued..)
Me again. A thought just ran through my mind. Who am I? Why am I the way I am? Why don't I do something about
it? Okay...three thoughts. I sat outside in the moonlight again tonight. It was freezing and dark, and the moon shined and
made everything seem illuminated. I did nothing but sit and wonder about myself. What makes me tick. Why am I always so afraid
and depressed and shy and sick. Sick of myself being a loser, and being afraid and what not..Is it people that make me this
way? Is it my head? Who is that girl in my dreams? That girl............She reminds me of my old friend Becca. Almost looks
like her. She's gorgeous with black hair and green eyes, nice figure and everything. But, i'm not attracted to her in my dream...God
i'd swear she's Becca if only I could get a clear image of her in my head. The thing about this girl is she's intirely infatuated
with me...in yet she doesn't show it but a little bit. And I can tell she is. I won't go into the story so much except
that the setting of which it all takes place is niether new or old and the day is always at dusk..or dawn. Who is she?...'The
girl of my dreams'. Am I that disturbed that my own mind has turned against me? I wish I were away from everything sometimes.
Or closer to it. Closer to someone, and make everything go away. Just someone. But, as usual no one cares. If one thing could
fall into place, right into my hand, I'd never let it go. Never.
I'm going to Hell.
Another year has passed. Goddamnit... My emotions are constantly being torn to and fro. It isn't fair that everyone else
is fine with their lives, but I HAVE to put up with everything by myself, at least everyone else has someone to turn to for
support. I've got to much on my mind right now to type. I'll type more later. Why don't I give up on life and just give in
to it's torture though?
I'm about to give up on something very dear to me....FUCK i don't want to type everything again this peice of shit fucked
everything up I typed up before. In short I thought someone cared about me a whole lot, I was so sure of it, but now it's
proving that i'm just a burden to them. That goes to show you that no one really cares about anyone but who they want to.........I
do wish someone was here with me right now, one person imparticular, and she doesn't want to be here. I 'm tired of being
like this all the time, I wish people would just stop it...im miserable, sick of acting like some fucking EMO shit.
bUT, GOddamnit what can you do?
No, i'm not dead, but hopefully soon.....
Typing off impulse: Start 2:52 am April 9, 2006
Here I am in my later years off mental incapacitation of
unhappiness. Am I able to be happy? Am I able to be loved? Am I able to go through one day where I don't think about
the past or my feelings aren't hurt because of the past? I constantly feel sick, I constantly am annoyed by everyone else's
joy. Bitter I know, but wouldn't you be boys and girls? Living 18 years and no one recognizes your exsistance? Doesn't love
you? Especially when you still do them? I've driven...THEY'VE driven us insane. Us as in myself and myself..and myself. I
do my best at everything, but I still get no remorse or gratitude, I don't ask for sympothy because I never get it, I feel
like i'm a fucking 60 year old inside myself. I want to die, but dying nowadays is to trendy. Who'd really care? What's the
purpose in life besides intelligence, talent, and such if you can't love and be loved, be happy? No one wants me to be happy.....
I'm very lonely, i'm very alone, And this IS my only life. I've wasted it.
" I was gone for fourteen days, Could of
been gone for more. Held up in the intensive care ward lying on the floor. I was gone for all those days, but I
was not all alone. I made friends with a lot of people in the danger zone. See my lonely life unfold. I see it everyday. See
my only mind explode. Since i've gone away. I think I lost some weight there and I'm sure I need some rest. Sleeping don't
come very easy in a straight white vest. Should like to see that little children. She's only four years old. I'd give back
all her play things, even ones I stole. See my lonely life unfold. I see it everyday. See my only mind explode. When i've
gone insane.... -Alice Cooper." End 3:07 am
may 19 2006 12.11 am (It's now a friday 11 minutes ago it was thursday)
Life's been beating me in the ass as usual,
I think i've suffering from hypercondric head trauma, or i'm just plain mad. All week i've felt like blowing off my head.
French class couldn't make me feel anymore culture shocked than I already am. Jews, hippies, blacks, Mexicans, Canadians,
Asians, lesbians, homos, etc. none of them are safe in that class, i'm amazed i'm passing. Not one fucking thing has been
taught in 3 or so weeks, some shit teacher, huh boys and girls? I'm beginning to feel my co-workers hate me more than ever
now. I wish they'd fire me or better yet me just quit and put them through hell, but I kind of would like some money. Ha!
I hate money isn't that ironic? 1 week of school left then the last year of my life starts. What beautiful fond memories.
I also was enogurated as a general today. take a look kids.
Motherfucker shown above |
SUNdaY, June 15.....2008 (My first entry in nearly two years) 12:15pm 12 hours and
16 minutes ago it was Saturday. On November 30, 2007. I pronounced myself dead. And dead I shall remain. I Dug me a shallow
grave so when I return from the dead I can kill as many unsuspecting motherfuckers as I can. Only problem is now that I'm
dead I don't have anyone to bury me.